The National Honor Society is not any ordinary club. It is not even a club at all as Mark Gaspar, NHS sponsor, will make clear. The National Honor Society is just as it says in the title; an honor. Not everyone can join like most clubs on campus.
While speaking with Gaspar about his origins as it relates to NHS he revealed that he became the sponsor around his 7th year teaching. The assistant principal found that since Gaspar was teaching honors freshman students, “How cool would it be to have the Freshman honors teacher also do NHS.” This continuity with the freshman developing into juniors and seniors made Gaspar rightfully believe that it would inspire more students down the line to join.
When it came to Brittany Noriega, NHS President, her reason for joining the society was that “It’s a good community to be around… with people that show ambition.” Fellow member, senior Elizabeth Almazan stated her motivation to join being “the community,” much like Noriega’s response. Almazan also added that “We are based to help the school…and that’s something I wanted.”
NHS means a lot to the members from the top (Gaspar) all the way down to its core members. Gaspar reflects that the biggest value that he has taken from NHS is inspiring better communication not just within the society but also as a teacher. For Almazan it is meeting new people and seeing “so many new perspectives.” This sentiment was shared by Noriega as well, with the members being the most important and inspiring part of NHS.
The society is not just about community outreach. It provides a good way to develop and learn as a person for everyone involved. Noriega knows this best because, even as the club president, she has still developed in the way of time management and as a leader. “Being in a leadership position you have to learn how to manage your time correctly,” Noriega states.
Learning from others does not stop at just the students in the society. Gaspar has also learned from the society not to micromanage and just be there to support when needed. Gaspar reflects “This is an elite group, I’m better off being hands off…I’m more of a support.”
The lasting message that NHS would like to leave for the rest of the school according to Noriega is that NHS is comprised of “human beings just like everyone else”, and it is okay to ask for help when needed. She believes that building a connection between NHS and the rest of the school is crucial to building a thriving campus.