Mr. Peterson: The Fresh Face of Independence


Jenny Nguyen, writer and editor

Independence High School’s wonderful assistant principal of discipline, Mr. Peterson, works hard to see the future of the school brighten and shine as much as possible! Ambitious and determined, Mr. Peterson brings his A-game every day at work.

At first, Peterson wasn’t very sure of his pathway to success. He took community classes until he decided what he wanted to shape his career into. Peterson found passion in education. From that point, Peterson graduated from ASU and taught for twelve years before joining Independence as the dean of discipline.

Peterson adores Independence’s wonderful atmosphere, as he “loves the culture and diversity here.” He loves his job as well, noting that he is able to work with students on a different level and view a different side of the education process.

Peterson finds that his job can be challenging at times. He admits his worst experiences with kids are those who make poor choices, as he wants to see all of his students to succeed. Peterson strives to be fair in all decisions he makes and handles each situation to the best of his ability.

As for his personal goals, he views everyday as an opportunity to improve his work and skills. Earnestly, Peterson reflects on himself and evaluates how he could do better every night. He also notes, that his peer assistant principal, Ms. Harrison, helps him carry the burdens of his position.

Personally, Peterson takes an interest in sports, as he previously was a football and softball coach. He stays for games at the school and supports the team with pride. Overall, Peterson is very active as a person!

In addition, Peterson enjoys music and even played the trumpet. In his freetime, he watches over his five children and hangs with his family. Peterson is a very family oriented man, praising his father as his role model. He also loves his treasured wife, who was his high school sweetheart.

Peterson finds Independence to be a wonderful, growing school, and he plans on staying in his position for at least a couple of more years to serve the students.