The High School Dream


Abriel Carrasco, Writer

             Student Council(StuCo) at Independence High School(IHS) works hard to achieve the perfect teenage experience while facing a lot of conflict from those they try to please. According to Marshall, ¨student council is one of the hardest jobs out there. People have no idea.¨

           Initially, the StuCo double roomed class was so frenzied upon entering, it looked like a tornado had hit it.  While the room is chaotic, anyone observing the room for more than a minute or two realizes that the students are actually really organized.


           StuCo is a leadership class led by Student Body President, Lynell Sandoval. However, since it is a leadership class, most students have a leadership role in some capacity.  Advisor, Pepper Marshall helps and guides the students rather than handing them directions to complete their task.

Each class has its leadership ranging from President to Representative and all are overseen by the Student Body President and her Executive Board. Additionally, they operate in committees such as: Community Service, Spirit, Advertising, Dance/Assembly and Fundraising. Everyone has a job to do.

         Every big project is carefully planned and thought out by the students alone. Their sole purpose? Senior Alexa Ramirez Avila, currently in the Spirit Committee, says, ¨we work on projects that we want to appeal to the rest of the school.¨ Marshall lets them work on projects they know would be good for the majority of the school. But they still have fun. They love spending time with each other and enjoy creating everything for the events.


Senior Class President, Alex Castillo, says, “Our motto towards our work is to “communicate, be compassionate, and learn how to Be Myself.” These concepts are the best ways to achieve leadership throughout the school and push themselves to make high school the best for students willing to participate. According to Castillo, “we strive to show students it’s okay to get loose and have fun.” At the end of the day, they need to be able to say, “I did that” and “I’ll never regret what we did.”


But not everyone can be pleased.

          Student council gets the most backlash from the school community. Any dance, spirit week option, assembly, and school-wide events get criticized from many students—even prom gets heavy judgement. StuCo’s job is to offer these activities to students so they can enjoy their high school experience.  But, students often would rather complain than participate when the events are offered afraid of being judged themselves. However, Marshall says, ¨rejection is part of the game. You just have to play against the game¨.

           The heart of the school is Student Council and the StuCo students put their hearts and souls into it. Weeks of planning, funding, and organizing it put into events. While Marshall provides moral and directional support, the students provide the running blood that keeps the heart beating.