Independence High School: Varsity Spiritline

Azaria Williams, writer

  Independence has a very competitive Varsity Spiritline. Here at IHS, the Varsity Spiritline is always determined to spread  positivity and school spirit. 


Coach Haley Rubio has been the Varsity coach at Independence for 6 years. The team captains of the 2019-2020 squad are: junior Camily Lopez; senior  Alejandra Olivares; and junior Jasmine Saucedo. 


Earlier in the year, when asked what goals the squad has for this school year, Rubio said, “We really want to increase our community service hours, as well as qualifying for state competition”. 


They just recently achieved their goal of qualifying for state competition placing 8 out of 23 teams in total. 


One category the girls competed in is the Game Day category.


The Game Day category judges squads based on the team’s fight song and crowd leading skills.


Last year the girls placed 11th overall making a come back this year with an almost perfect score of 48.5 out of 50.


The squad has also been working on fundraising to help better their squad. 


Now their main focus is preparing for their big state competition at the Wells Fargo Arena at ASU on December 7th.