How do Students Deal with Stress?

January 22, 2020
Stress is something many students, or people in general, encounter regularly. It can cause many issues and can have life changing effects. Some known effects of stress can be headaches, depression or even panic attacks. High blood pressure can also occur when stress levels are high. states that, “Someone who is stressed may feel worried, down, unable to concentrate or make decisions, irritable and angry.” For students, stress can impact their education and success.
Many people don’t realize the impact stress can have on a person or how prevalent it is. Fosteredu stated that, “In fact, the 2015 American College Health Association National College Health Assessment found that 85.6 percent of students had felt overwhelmed in the past year.” That website went on to say, “The Mayo Clinic reports stress increases feelings of irritability and anger, which increases the likelihood for angry outbursts and social withdrawal.”
Furthermore, some may not realize that depending on the type of stress someone carries, it can negatively impact their grades. Fosteredu claims, “When a student is stressed and preoccupied, it takes over their ability to focus during lectures or studying. Stress may even cause students to drop out of school or drop classes.”
For students there are different ways stress can play into their high school career. For Senior Alondra Noriega, her stress came from the amount of homework she received and the standard she set for herself for a brighter future. Noriega is working hard to go to Princeton and to do sot entails tons of studying and dedication. When asked about when are sometimes she notices she feels overwhelmed, she said, “I usually don’t notice when I’m feeling stressed. Usually I say I’m fine, but one day I just say, ‘woah, I’m not fine’. This is not okay.” With Noriega taking AP classes and doing sports, this is a prime example of what kind of stress most students can relate to.
In addition, Senior Aleyda Vntrans gave some insight on what it’s like for students even without core AP classes. Even without AP classes and an hour off of school, she still finds her senior year “very stressful.” She explained how she wanted to take advanced classes, but due to personal problems, she didn’t have the time. When asked about how she managed sports with everything, she said, “I didn’t have much time for them, but I always found a time and way to separate the two and get school work done.”
Fosteredu, an online website, advocates that, “It’s vital for educators to recognize the significant impact stress has on teens and young adults and work to create a supportive and calm educational environment.” Creating a calming environment could lessen the stress levels of students.