After a lot of hard work, the 2023 volley ball season has come to an end.
Girls varsity volleyball coach shares their secrets to having a successful season. Michelle Monaghan, Volleyball Coach for girls varsity, shares their secrets to a good game and gives information about what the girls volleyball team does during practices/games.
To prepare for future games, the varsity girls workout in the weight room. Monaghan states that they ¨Practice hard,¨ and it is “No time to mess around during practice.” She also said, “The main practice the team does is to focus on what they need to change from the game before.”
Monaghan gives out advice to the team to help them become more successful and motivated.
Monaghan states, “I tell them to play hard and enjoy playing.¨ Monaghan believes that if the team is not enjoying themselves while playing, then ¨why are they out on the court.¨ She believes in ¨Give it your all¨ and to ¨leave it all on the court.¨
There are some challenging parts to volleyball. One of those things being rotation, making it the most difficult according to Monaghan. She explained, ¨Once we can get the rotation down we are good to move forward.¨
Monaghan makes sure her and the team are satisfied with what they’ve got down.
The varsity volleyball girls haven’t had any bad experiences with other teams over the past year. ¨We have not had an experience with bad sportsmanship over the past year,̈ Monaghan says. She goes on to say they were treated ¨Pretty good.¨
Some of the varsity volleyball girls also had something to say about their experiences with practices and games. Senior Karol Arroyo has been playing on the volleyball team for three years.
Arroyo states that the best way to prepare for future games is a “box combo from canes for good luck.”
Arroyo has also shared how it’s not always easy playing for the team. She states “tough parts in volleyball is trying to keep a good mindset for yourself even though you feel like you are not good enough of a player for your team.”
Arroyo states, “It was super fun playing with my team and it was always great being with the team because we all supported each other.”
Arroyo also gave advice to other volleyball players,“Drink water and don’t be afraid to dive for the ball, the floor of your best friend.”
Player Samantha Rodriguez ,Sophomore, has been playing on the volleyball team since her freshman year. Rodrigez states, “This is my second year being a part of it.” She explains their volleyball practices, “Our volleyball practice consists of a lot of teamwork. Volleyball is a team sport so we practice our communication a lot.”
Rodriguez said, “I’d say one of the hardest parts of volleyball or sports in general is the mental aspect.” She believes “if your mentality isn’t where you want it to be you’re going to feel overwhelmed.” Rodriguez also talks about what it’s like being on the team, “Being apart and playing on this varsity team is such a great feeling. You’re surrounded by people that share that passion of volleyball and overall are there for the same objective. To win,” she states. Some advice Rodriguez would give is “Everyone has bad days. Some days things don’t go your way no matter how hard you try and that’s okay.”