The chess club/team of Independence High School is a place for students to share their love of chess and meet others who also do. According to Mr. William Bolton, chess club sponsor, for students to join the club they must “enjoy chess or have a desire to learn about chess.” Students don’t need to meet a criteria or a specific chess ELO (a rating system that measures a player’s skill level in games like chess, video games, and sports) to join the club.
Bolton said that he would recommend chess to students even if they weren’t interested in playing competitively. He commented, “I would definitely recommend chess. It is a skill that is applicable in everyday life.” A member of the chess club, Freshman Isaac Lopez, also said he would recommend chess to other students.
The chess club members mentioned that they had role models or other inspirations that motivated them to play chess. A member of the chess club, Freshman Jose Reyes Pastor, said that he got his love for chess from chess world champion Magnus Carlson. Bolton stated his source of inspiration was his “Peer group in high school.”
When asked to describe chess in a few words, Bolton stated, “It’s a game of strategy but also flexibility.” Pastor also commented, saying it was about “being calculating, precise and positionally understanding.” Lopez said that he thought of chess as a way to meet new people.
Bolton and Pastor wanted to share a word of advice for other chess players. Bolton stated to “keep playing.” Pastor commented, “Keep going no matter how tough the loss is.”
Bolton and Pastor also mentioned that chess has its ups and downs. Bolton said that the best part of playing chess is the social aspect. He added that the worst part of chess was often the time limit. Pastor stated that the best part is “winning in a losing position and playing a brilliant move.”